Developer & Software Architect
Freelance Software Engineer
software development
deployment notes
transfer server
server configuration
virtual machines
waiting times
... and asking the right questions
How do we raise the number of involved people without tipping on each others toes?
How can we put the development teams in charge?
Is there ever a perfect time for a downtime?
Are our developers available at that time?
What would be the minimal viable footprint?
How can we prepare for growth?
How do we avoid configuration drift?
How do we speed up the delivery pipeline?
Can we reduce the time a feature spends
"waiting for attention"?
- name: restart rabbitmq if this is a fresh install supervisorctl: name=freightnet-rabbitmq state=present supervisorctl: name=freightnet-rabbitmq state=restarted when: fresh_install.changed - name: tell slave nodes to join the master node if this is a fresh install command: "{{ item }}" with_items: - rabbitmqctl stop_app - rabbitmqctl reset - rabbitmqctl join_cluster {{ rabbitmq_master_node_short_name }} - rabbitmqctl start_app when: fresh_install.changed and inventory_hostname != "{{ rabbitmq_master_node }}" environment: PATH: "{{ basedir }}/rabbitmq_server-{{ rabbitmq_version }}/sbin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}"
- fail: msg="no application server group specified (variable app_server_group not set)" when: app_server_group is not defined - fail: msg="no application specified (variable application not set)" when: application is not defined - fail: msg="no application version specified (variable application_version not set)" when: application_version is not defined - name: stop old application supervisorctl: name={{ application }} state=stopped ignore_errors: yes - name: clean up application base directory file: path="{{ basedir }}/{{ application }}" state=absent
Test your automation
Test for compatibility
Microservices are a valid approach...
...if your organisation is ready for them